June 15, 2020
We Explore Ways to help Businesses
and leaders accomplish Missions...
& not simply get more stuff done
Lose the overwhelm | Find Your Grove | Build an impactful team | solve challenging problems
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You know you've felt
this way, Admit it...
Improve your life, at work and at home
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Recommended Tools
A few of our favorite things. Note that no tool will solve your problems, a medically prescribed cream might, but no tool we ever recommend.

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About Akomplish.
Akomplish, presented by the team at New Work Revolution, is focused on enhancing the productivity of business owners and entrepreneurs. The Akomplish advice and programs are here to impact not only how these leaders function personally but how they work within their teams to bring about better dynamics, happiness, and success for everyone.
Its about far more than getting more and more done.
Its about accomplishing the right things... sometimes while getting doing less!
It's about exploring innovation, curiosity, and teamwork to solve interesting and difficult problems in ever-better ways.
Originally created years ago by Billy & Jordan Bush, Akomplish was a software tool for productivity. You know the type - project management meets to-do list meets calendar stuff meets the bloody market of productivity tools. It failed as a software tool (You will hear more about that ;) ) BUT it laid the groundwork for the coaching work we've been doing since AND it lit a fire to master the space and take advantage of ALL the tools and help available (the silver lining of a rough market is options!).
A Note from Billy
Welcome to Akomplish - its nice to meet you - yes you, I'm writing this for you specifically. Not everyone else, just you. I'm personal like that...
...And I'm excited to chat, share and explore the ways we can do more of the right things to build powerful companies and change the world. I've been around for a while and learned many lessons the hard way (with scars to prove it) - I hope to help you avoid some of that pain. This is fun stuff and I'm at the point where I won't do it without a bit of fun... so hold on! We will talk soon...

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